Rhinoplasty recovery time swelling

Various patients do not understand how long it takes during rhinoplasty recovery time swelling. Rhinoplasty is different from other procedures where patients can see the “end” result within three months. In fact, for rhinoplasty, some patients take more than a year for the swelling to subside completely. While the nose may be healing as the swelling decreases, this doesn’t mean that it will not look presentable.

The typical course of swelling for a particular patient after rhinoplasty vary in different stages and time. At the start, the nose may swell up to a size bigger than the original nose. However, this is a temporary swelling that dissipates quickly.

After the end of the first week, a vast majority of patients will have moderate swelling and feel a bit comfortable to return to work or engage in a public activity. Even then, some of them are still uncomfortable with the shape and size of their nose at this point.

Towards the end of the second week, the most substantial part of the swelling lessens, and most patients feel more comfortable with their nose. However, the nose doesn’t seem pretty well when photographed at this stage.

Every patient will have a different response to rhinoplasty as a result of varying medical conditions among other factors. While some patients will experience a limited swelling, others will have to put up with more swelling that takes longer to heal.

Rhinoplasty recovery time swelling is determined by several factors such as the surgical procedure carried out (open or closed), specific parts of the nose being treated, post-operative care, skin thickness, patients healing ability and so on. Also, the size of the swell and recovery time will be affected by the extent of the surgery.

There is nothing more stressful like impatiently waiting for the swelling to go away since you have a big social event ahead of you, which you must attend. As a rule of thumb, the best thing you can do is to plan your post-surgery activities and to give yourself enough time for the swelling to decrease. Remember that approximately 90% of patients are comfortable with attending a social event after 14 days. At this stage, about all the bruising is gone. Nonetheless, if you have a mega event coming up such as your wedding, it will be essential to give yourself up to 3 months to recover. Overall, it can take several months to see final results. So, be patient. It is worth the wait.

That said, it is essential to understand that swelling after rhinoplasty is a healthy, and critical part of the healing process. Although you might be eager to see the results of your surgery without the associated nose job swelling, you need to be patient until the swelling subsides on its own. Similarly, you can deal with the swelling by following some helpful tips such as keeping your head elevated on pillows while you sleep, drink plenty of water, consume meals rich in vitamin K, and avoid salt, hot showers or baths.

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